Our production was simply titled "Then and Now." The idea behind the musical began after listening to a sermon one Sunday on the demon-possessed man that Jesus freed from Legion. This planted a question in my head, "What would it be like to have a conversation with this man? What would it be like to experience this first-person?" This led to wondering about other figures that Jesus touched throughout ministry.
In prayer and planning with my assistant director, we decided to focus on 3 narratives: a child and mother that went to see Jesus, an ill woman and a youth raised from the dead. We re-purposed some songs we had just learned while also including new material to weave it all together. The songs we used included:
- "Hold Me" by Jamie Grace (featuring puppetry, props and live actors)
- "Me Dice Que Me Ama" by Jesus Adrian Romero (featuring blacklight hand mime)
- "Beautiful" by MercyMe (featuring sign language and painting)
- "You Are Being Loved" by Steven Curtis Chapman (featuring human video and choreography)
→ If you are interested in the script and director notes for this musical, please feel free to e-mail Gabriel@CMTministries.org