Just weeks after our summer time soujourns, I found myself in Ohio for the Christian Education (CE) Conference.
Here we shared ways to incorporate creativity in ministry with children's ministry leaders. My absolute favorite class to lead was "Building a Team, Creating a Space," a discussion on how to grow a team socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
The feedback we received was enormously encouraging. To our surprise (and delight), we even received an invitation from one of the attending pastors to visit their church the next morning!
So our evening became a brainstorming session as we planned this children’s service. We had a blast leading this simple but creative service that incorporated worship with motions, technology, scripture with actions, Gospel Illusion, and puppetry to focus on one thing: knowing God!
"I have heard nothing but positive feedback regarding the conference... It was great to see your love for Jesus and passion for children's ministry in all of your presentations." — Becky Johnson, CE Conference Coordinator
In early October, our ministry team was invited to return to the Creative Ministry Solutions OR Festival to present “the Lightlings” for the conference. So north we went!
This trip really served as a spiritual retreat. Our time away from home and focused in ministry made us tighter than ever. The encouragement we received after presenting was also an immense blessing!
On October 31st, we visited Onnuri Church of San Jose for Hallelujah Night. The majority of our audience was children and their reactions are always so energizing!
From joyous laughter to genuine “woooooah’s” of wonder to moments of absolute silence as they absorbed the message, we were so humbled to share our ministry with such open hearts.
And just a week later, I was on a plane once more for my final fall conference! This time cross-country to teach at the Creative Ministry Solutions PA Festival.
With nearly 200 attendees, there was an undeniable energy that was infectious. I was most inspired by seeing so many pre-teens and teens in attendance with such enthusiasm and passion for using their gifts for Christ!